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1370 aluminum bar block

Last Updated :2023/06/13
Introduction of 1370 aluminum bar block
1370 aluminum bar block, copper content 0.02, silicon (Si) content 0.10, iron (iron) content 0.25. Aluminum alloy has low density, but relatively high strength, close to or exceeds high-quality steel, good plasticity, can be processed into various profiles, has excellent electrical conductivity, high temperature and doping, and is widely used in industry, second only to steel. .

Chemical composition of 1370 aluminum bar block
Manganese: 0.01
Magnesium: 0.02
Chromium: 0.01
Zinc: 0.04
Calcium: 0.03
Vanadium Titanium: 0.02
B: 0.02
Other: Individual: 0.02
Total: 0.01
Aluminum: 99.70
Application of 1370 aluminum bar block
1370 aluminum bar block is mainly used to manufacture aviation equipment, daily necessities, doors and windows for construction,