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2A12 T4 aluminium block

Last Updated :2023/06/13
Introduction of 2A12 T4 aluminium block
2A12 T4 aluminium block is a kind of high-strength hard aluminum, which can be strengthened by heat treatment; 2A12 aluminum alloy has good spot welding and has a tendency to form intergranular cracks when using gas welding and argon arc welding; 2A12 aluminum alloy can be hardened after cold work The cutting performance is still good. The corrosion resistance is not high, and anodizing treatment and painting methods are often used, or the surface is coated with aluminum layer to improve the corrosion resistance.

Features of 2A12 T4 aluminium block:
The 2A12 T4 aluminum block has high strength and certain heat resistance, and can be used as working parts below 150°C. If the temperature is higher than 125°C, the forming properties in the hot state, annealing and new quenching state are better, and the heat treatment strengthening effect is significant, but the heat treatment process requirements are strict. The corrosion resistance is poor, but it can be effectively protected by covering with pure aluminum; it is easy to produce cracks during welding, but it can be welded or riveted by special technology.
Application of 2A12 T4 aluminium block
2A12 T4 aluminium block are mainly used to make various high-load parts and components, and are widely used in aircraft structures, rivets, truck wheel hubs, propeller components and various other structural parts.